Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Week One!

So I'm not crazy enough to think I'll post more than weekly as life stands I'm lucky to pee alone let alone get time to type the intricacies of our madness. But this week we returned from our annual family summer holiday (those things are exhausting for parents right!) and as every other year I bemoaned my weight darn those swimming costumes and tiny caravan bathrooms.

This year I decided enough was enough and I actually signed up to WW formerly known as weight watchers, well at least it was when I joined when I was 18. See it's been a life long battle over my weight or at least that's how it feels so I wanted to change things up. They say Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!" so here's me opening my world, my ups and downs, my cupboard caves and my outright crashes with you guys the hope is that though my journey will still have twists and turns it won't become a roundabout.

So far I think I'm doing OK with my WW journey but I guess the proof will be on weigh day ekk I'm liking the new app, the bar-code scanner is a lifesaver for grabbing things when your out and about. Though my weekly shop may increase due to me scanning things I know I can't have and trying to find new things to add to my diet.

I didn't sign up to go to meetings personally for me I don't have time and and hoping for family support whenever I grab a takeaway menu plus I guess it's a little bit of me hiding too. I spent a lot of time not acknowledging the slow but steady increase in my dress size and got over a lot of the fitting room trauma by avoiding them!

Now I know there's a huge network of people happy to be plus size and that's great but that's not me, I do love my curves and my boobs and my butt I just want less of them. And I want to take my kids to a theme park and not avoid the ride because I'm worried about the bloody belt for gods sake.

My blog won't be just about one thing, one genre because my life isn't like that and neither is my mind! It'll be highs, lows, parenthood in all its mind numbing glory, the battle of having three girls and the constant are you trying for a boy! weight loss or lack thereof and me just finding me amongst the other hats I wear I hope to see you there.

#WeightLoss #Diet #WW #Family #Blog

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